How do I verify my SeatGeek email and phone number?

You can verify your phone and email address by heading to the My Account page of your SeatGeek account. Then select the “personal info” section:

My Account Menu

Personal Info

Verify Email Address: 

Scroll down until you see your account email section, just below your account name and location. If your email isn’t verified, you’ll see text in red that says “verify your email.” Click that, and you’ll see a pop-up message confirming that a verification email has been sent to that email  address.

Verification notification

Go to your email inbox, and find the verification email from us. If you don’t see it within a few minutes, make sure that it hasn’t been filtered into a different folder, like spam or promotions. Open the email and click on the big green verify button, and you’re all set! When you return to your account settings, you’ll now see that it says “verified” in green under your email address where it previously prompted you to send a verification email.  

Verify Phone Number:

Just below your email address on your “personal info” page, you’ll see a section for your phone number as well. First, you’ll want to add a phone number to your account if you haven’t yet, by clicking the “Add” button to the right. Once you’ve added your phone number, click the red “verify your phone” text.

Add and verify phone number

This will prompt a code to be sent to your phone number, which you can then enter in the dialogue box that appears after you click to verify.

Verification number field

Once you’ve entered the code, you’re all set! Adding your phone number helps verify your account and is required to sell tickets on SeatGeek Marketplace.


At this time we can only verify phone numbers from the United States.

Having trouble verifying your account? Try logging in and out of your account and refreshing the page. If you're still having trouble, contact us by clicking the Support tab at the top of the screen (Desktop Website) or by scrolling down and pressing the Get Help section of your SeatGeek account (mobile app) or click here to chat.

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